Automatic app versioning for Android - the easy way

Let me show you how to achieve automatic app versioning the easy way. This method has been working for me for many Android projects. I hope you’ll like it too!

The gist of this is that we’ll use git commands executed in build.gradle to set the versionCode and versionName.  To use this method, you need to have installed git in your system and initialized git repository in your project. First, let’s see the commands we’ll be using for each value.

Version code

For the versionCode, which is supposed to be an Integer value, we’ll use a number of commits on the current branch. It’s as simple as it can get, more commits, a higher version. Beware that it works great when you’re using a single branch like main to produce release builds; otherwise, you might want to go in an entierly different direction with the versioning system.

To get the number of commits, we can use this command:

git rev-list --count HEAD

Version name

For the versionName, we’ll use tagging functionality and describe command. First, you’ll need to create a tag. You can do so using this command git tag -a 1.0 -m "1.0". We’re using what is called an annotated tag, there are also lightweight tags, the difference is that annotated ones also contain a message, just like a commit.  We’re using annotated because they have that additional info which can be useful. Also, some commands (like describe below) uses only annotated by default and ignores the lightweight ones, which also might be useful because you can still use the lightweight for some other purpose in your project.

To get the version name, we’ll use a describe command.

git describe

This command has an interesting behavior. If your last commit has a tag, it’ll output only the name of the tag. But if there are some untagged commits on top of the last tag, it’ll output the name of the tag and some additional information. This is what it can look like 1.0-3-g24cd732. Let’s decode it, 1.0 is your last tag on the branch, 3 is the number of untagged commits on top of the last tagged commit, g24cd732 is a hash code of the last commit (symbol g is hard-coded, and can be ignored).


The first step is the ability to call shell commands from gradle files. Here’s how it looks like in gradle kotlin script:

fun execCommand(command: String): String? {
    val cmd = command.split(" ").toTypedArray()
    val process = ProcessBuilder(*cmd)
    return process.inputStream.bufferedReader().readLine()?.trim()

The next step is to use this method to get the values we want in the app/build.gradle.kts

plugins {

val commitCount by project.extra {
    execCommand("git rev-list --count HEAD")?.toInt()
        ?: throw GradleException("Unable to get number of commits. Make sure git is initialized.")

val latestTag by project.extra {
    execCommand("git describe")
        ?: throw GradleException(
            "Unable to get version name using git describe.\n" +
                    "Make sure you have at least one annotated tag and git is initialized.\n" +
                    "You can create an annotated tag with: git tag -a 1.0 -m \"1.0\""

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId = ...
        versionCode = commitCount
        versionName = latestTag
        testInstrumentationRunner = ...

fun execCommand(command: String): String? {
    val cmd = command.split(" ").toTypedArray()
    val process = ProcessBuilder(*cmd)
    return process.inputStream.bufferedReader().readLine()?.trim()

And that’s it, automatic app versioning, the easy way 🎉

Protecting release builds

Using describe command for versionName gives us useful additional info, for example when we’re distributing an app version to testers before release. Because it shows exactly what commit was used to generate each apk. The version name will be available in the crashlytics, or be attached to bug tickets. You can utilize it and jump straight into the commit that contains reported bugs or has produced exceptions.

But it also might have some negative consequences. Imagine releasing production app with this version name 1.0-3-g24cd732. It’s not readable and might even look suspicious to non-technical users. This elongated versionName should be used only for dev and test builds, you shouldn't create release builds with it, but it might be easy to do so by accident.

We can add a task in the gradle to automatically check every time we’re compiling a release build if the versionName has the correct value. Here’s how it can be done in app/build.gradle.kts file.

plugins {

android {
    defaultConfig {

tasks.whenTaskAdded {
    if (name.contains("assemble") &&
    ) {

tasks.register("checkReleaseVersion") {
    doLast {
        val versionName = android.defaultConfig.versionName
    	if (versionName?.matches("\\d+(\\.\\d+)+".toRegex()) == false) {
            throw GradleException(
                "Version name for release builds can only be numeric (like 1.0), but was $versionName\n" +
                    "Please use git tag to set version name on the current commit and try again\n" +
                    "For example: git tag -a 1.0 -m 'tag message'"

This task checks with regex when compiling release builds (with any flavors) if the versionName contains only digits and dots, like 1.0. If you’ll try to create release builds on an untagged commit (with versionName like 1.0-3-g24cd732), the build process will fail.

Thanks to this approach, we’re also ensuring that only tagged commits were used to create release builds.


Clean up

If you’re using convention plugins or buildSrc folder, you can extract that logic from gradle files to one of those directories. I like to make a single file with name AppVersioning.kt, and put all the logic in there:

 * Get the version code from the number of commits.
 * Command: git rev-list --count HEAD
fun getVersionCode(): Int {
    return execCommand("git rev-list --count HEAD")?.toInt()
        ?: throw GradleException("Unable to get version code. Make sure git is initialized.")

 * Get the version name from the latest annotated tag.
 * Command: git describe
fun getVersionName(): String {
    return execCommand("git describe")
        ?: throw GradleException(
            "Unable to get version name.\n" +
                    "Make sure you have at least one annotated tag and git is initialized.\n" +
                    "You can create an annotated tag with: git tag -a 1.0 -m \"1.0\""

private fun execCommand(command: String): String? {
    val cmd = command.split(" ").toTypedArray()
    val process = ProcessBuilder(*cmd)
    return process.inputStream.bufferedReader().readLine()?.trim()

You can see a working example here:

Tip! If you put the AppVersioning.kt file in the root kotlin folder instead of a package, you don’t have to add any imports when using getVersionCode() and getVersionName() in the build.gradle.kts.

This is how the path might look like with the convention plugin: MyApplication/build-logic/convention/src/main/kotlin/AppVersioning.ktHere's the usage example

Bitrise CI

If you're using Bitrise CI/CD, remember to change Fetch tags option in Git Clone Repository step. Otherwise, versioning won't be working in workflows.

Workflow > Git Clone Repository > Clone Config > Fetch tags > change from no to yes

Git flow

As for the git flows, you have to be careful if this versioning method is compatible with what you’re doing in your project. I always like to use something simple and then change the flow if the project actually needs it. This is an approach I’d recommend if you’re not sure:

Use 3 types of branches:

  • main - contains released or ready for release code. The last commit must always be tagged with the latest version.
  • develop - contains changes ready to be tested. Accumulate commits until you’re ready for a release. When you want to release a new version, given it's already been tested. Tag it on develop branch, then rebase the changes to main. Thanks to this main will have the same history and the same tagged commits as develop.
  • Feature branches, like feature/my_feature. Work on each feature on separate branches, when they're complete, squash and merge them to develop.

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